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viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013

Entrevista a Sam en MTV UK :)

Una entrevista mas de nuestra consentida Samantha Barks :D bueno en realidad traigo dos que fueron publicados en el facebook de fans de Samantha Barks :) siempre gracias a todos los sprouts que comparten noticias :D.

Aquí el link de la entrevista en MTV UK:

Y esta es la otra entrevista donde habla de nosotros! jaja sus Sprouts :)

Les Misérables' star Samantha Barks: 'I call my fans my sprouts'

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Les Misérables star Samantha Barks has revealed the nickname she uses for her fans.

The actress, who recently won the Jameson Empire 'Best Female Newcomer' award, said she calls her fans her 'sprouts'.

 Samantha Barks arriving at the 'Iron Man 3' UK premiere in London

Speaking to Empire, the 22-year-old said: "Basically, I'm obsessed with Brussels sprouts and I sometimes tweet about them.

"They [her fans] are my sprouts, and I am their sprout. Also, we're all green. And a bit weird."

Barks, who first rose to fame after appearing on the BBC One reality show I'd Do Anything in 2008, also spoke about singing 'On My Own' as Eponine in Tom Hooper's award-winning film.

"I was on stage for a year singing that, so I was ready," she explained.

Barks is currently filming with Britain's Got Talent star Susan Boyle for new film The Christmas Candle.

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Samantha Barks

Nombre completo: Samantha Jane Barks

Nacio en: Laxey, Isle of Man (Isla del Hombre)

Cumpleaños: 2 de octubre de 1990

Comenzo su carrera: 2008 (publicamente, porque hizo mucho antes)

Premios: "I'd Do Anything" 3er lugar, Hollywood
Spothlight Award 2012.