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domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

Una nueva entrevista a Sam! :D

Holaaaa perdon el silencio pero el trabajo no me deja seguir a veces pero les traigo esta mini entrevista a Sam! :D habla de su manera de ponerse en forma :D disfruten Sprouts! :)

Samantha Barks: Exercise rocks

Samantha Barks
Samantha Barks will sometimes work out seven times a week.The British actress stunned in Les Misérables with her tiny waist and gorgeous costumes.
The star doesn't abide by any fad diets and instead sticks to a healthy lifestyle.
"I just love doing exercise! I'm a big fan of Bikram yoga. I do it five times a week, sometimes seven if I can," she explained to British magazine Star.
"You've got to do what you can to keep yourself healthy."
The pretty brunette also makes sure she doesn't eat much junk food.
Samantha avoids meat completely but won't deprive herself of tasty treats now and again.
"I'm vegetarian too, but I never diet. I just make healthy choices and allow myself things in moderation," she revealed.
Starring in musical movie Les Misérables proved to be Samantha's big break and she has been busy attending events and working on projects since.
It's finally hit home how well she has done and the 22-year-old plans to keep things glamorous.
"I felt like James Bond!" she laughed to Empire magazine about a recent private jet flight.
"I wore a Union Jack parachute, I drank a martini - all while putting on my dress and fixing my lashes..."

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Samantha Barks

Nombre completo: Samantha Jane Barks

Nacio en: Laxey, Isle of Man (Isla del Hombre)

Cumpleaños: 2 de octubre de 1990

Comenzo su carrera: 2008 (publicamente, porque hizo mucho antes)

Premios: "I'd Do Anything" 3er lugar, Hollywood
Spothlight Award 2012.