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domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012

Looking for Groove High videos :)

Hello everyone! Barkateers, TeamBarks, TeamHoyuelos y all fans of Sam! I've been looking for Groove High episode 1, not lucky yet but I've found a lot of videos from other episodes in vimeo!

I'll leave you some links because I'm in a hurry !! I'll be updating the entry!!



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Samantha Barks

Nombre completo: Samantha Jane Barks

Nacio en: Laxey, Isle of Man (Isla del Hombre)

Cumpleaños: 2 de octubre de 1990

Comenzo su carrera: 2008 (publicamente, porque hizo mucho antes)

Premios: "I'd Do Anything" 3er lugar, Hollywood
Spothlight Award 2012.